Research Software Engineering Guidelines


Research Software Engineering Guidelines#

Welcome! We hope that you’ll find these tutorials and guides set forth by the University of Washington Scientific Software Engineering Center useful.

📖 On this Jupyter Book website you’ll find various guides to Research Software Engineering (RSE) best practices. This is not meant to be an extensive knowledge base for these topics, but rather an aggregated, quick guides that would give a nice start to your RSE journey.

Please navigate to individual topics by clicking through the links on the left sidebar.

What is SSEC?#

For those that are not familiar, The UW Scientific Software Engineering Center (SSEC) at the eScience Institute leverages local software engineering talent to advance scientific frontiers.

Software engineering is vital to Seattle’s emergence as a tech leader to drive a local climate of innovation. SSEC is a diverse team of software engineers who work with UW scientists on impactful research projects, infusing them with the software industry’s best practices, and delivering open source, reusable software that will accelerate future research in areas like climate, health, energy and basic science.

Led by Director David Beck and Head of Engineering Vani Mandava, SSEC is structured around applied machine learning for science, cloud computing and data management, and community building around scientific software.